We are holding a Temple Handy Project Day! If you are available to volunteer to help, know someone who needs volunteer hours, please see the list below, and come with closed toe shoes and energy!!! We appreciate each of you!
Hang dry erase board -wall connected to Rabbi’s office. Find new spot for extra Dry Erase board currently in his office.
Replace printer cabinet in Rabbi office. Rabbi has purchased new printer.
Hang Tree of Life
insulate HVAC tubing and use UV resistant tape
new hose behind shed
rehang mirror in storage/kitchen restroom
Quiet Room-replace weather stripping on bottom of door. Quiet room possibly install Bulletin Board for children’s artwork?
tighten closet knobs in Quiet Room
tighten pull down door stop storage/kitchen restroom
Move old printer to library for Kayla to use.
Bathroom by kitchen: Fix door so that the lock will catch. Add closet so toilet and cleaning supplies have more separation.
Clean inside and outside back entry door. If it will not clean paint white.
Clean small glass on swinging doors
install paper towel holder men’s bathroom
install broom/mop hook kitchen bathroom
fix hole kitchen hallway next to thermostat
install door stops bathroom door
straighten foyer light switches
Shelf, cabinet for Rabbi’s office
Printer Cabinet
Bushes (maybe wait)
New hose
Bulletin board
Expandable grommets
White paint for door?
Dresser for bathroom
door stops bathroom