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July Celebrations

Mark Zeid

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

The month of July at Temple Beth Shalom in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, started with the return of our monthly Pot-Luck Shabbat. It was such a success, we are now hoping to start every month with a Pot-Luck Shabbat. As with all Jewish gatherings, there was plenty of food to share and good company to enjoy before our Friday Night Services. Not to worry. For our other services, we have reinstated onegs afterwards to give everyone a chance to socialize and nosh.

Our Rabbi was on vacation this month, but we had several of our members step up at lay leaders for our Friday Night Services, which were very well attended. An added joy was the inclusion of Eli and Henry, two young men with their bar mitzvahs coming up. These young men are doing great. As for the weekly bad joke rivalry, Chad, our president, and the Rabbi conceded defeat and admitted that Eli was the winner.

Socialization is returning in force. Several of us are meetings in small groups of two, three, or four couples for dinner. The ladies of the synagogue got together for their Ladies Luncheon. The discussions there were top secret, so none of us men have any idea what they talked about. My wife did give me a clue about the topics when she asked if I still had my handcuffs from when I was a police officer. The real problem is I do have the handcuffs, but I lost the key to them.

Ladies Luncheon

We have several new members joining us. They bring with them lots of new ideas and welcomed enthusiasm. There are Bill and Lori, Gerry and Donna, Lauire, and Carrie. I may have forgotten a couple of the new members, but please know we welcome you. As an added treat, Lauire voluntold me into giving a couple of our new members a brief tour of Eglin Air Force Base. Fortunately for us, it stopped raining long enough for us to feed the turtle at the pond on the base.

Me with two new members feeding the turtles on Eglin AFB

August promises to be hot, humid, and filled with preparations for the coming year. I will be attending some lay leader training toward the end of the month. We will also be reaching out to our active-duty military members to welcome them to our High Holiday Services. We’re growing and would love for others to join us.



Temple Beth Shalom

Physical Address:

227 Beal Parkway NW
at Nature's Trail Court NW
Fort Walton Beach, Fl 32548

Mailing Address: 

PO BOX 111
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

 OFFICE: (850)-862-6086

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