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From the Rabbi's Desk - March/Adar

Temple Beth Shalom

We are just a few weeks away from the holiday of Purim. We will be celebrating

on Friday night, March 14, beginning at 6:00 PM. I am hoping that many of our

members will consider joining us for a unique Shabbat, unlike any other during

the year. Things will be turned upside down at services, as we mark the Sabbath

and this unique holiday on our calendar.

Purim falls during the month of Adar, and tradition tells us that we have an

obligation to be happy this month, a reminder to give thanks for how our people

survived the plot against us, devised by Haman. I am taking this command to

heart and planning a “Laugh-In” Shabbat filled with plenty of irreverence and an

attempt at comedy. Susan and I will be wearing costumes and I an extend a

heartfelt invitation to everyone joining us that night to wear something out of the

ordinary, whether a costume, silly hat, pajamas and bathrobe, or any kind of


There are four mitzvot associated with the holiday. The first is to hear the

Megillah, the story of Purim. Ours will be told throughout the service, with

noisemakers in hand, ready to drown out the name of the villain of the story. I

just might have a few tricks up my sleeve to add extra fun to the telling of how

Esther and Mordechai saved the day.

The second mitzvah is to have a festive meal for the holiday. I wondered what it

might be fun to eat on Purim. How about a Meatball Potluck Purim Dinner? And

so, I ask everyone to bring their favorite meat or vegan meatballs to share, or a

side dish that would go with meatballs. I am sharing in advance that I will be

making my mother’s “famous” sweet and sour recipe. I have been eating these

for over 50 years.

The third mitzvah is to send gifts, most often gifts of food, to family and friends.

This custom is called Shalach Manot, which literally means the sending of gifts. I

am excited to be organizing a shalach manot delivery to all our local members.

What I do need is help delivering these packages. If anyone is interested in

helping me, please do not be shy letting me know. The shalach manot packages

will be assembled on Wednesday morning, March 12, and available for pick-up to


And the fourth mitzvah is to give tzedakah. Rather than simply ask for donations I

am hoping we can collect 180 cans of soup at Temple between now and our

Purim Shabbat. Drop off a few cans when you come to services or bring them

with you that night. These will be donated to those in need in our community

immediately following the holiday. Please help in making this endeavor a success.

Susan and I have a special reason to be happy this Adar. This is the month we will

be closing on our new home in Navarre. We look forward to hosting a gathering

there later this spring, most likely sometime between Passover and Shavuot.

Passover? Yes, it is one month from Purim. Please make your reservation to join

us for our community Seder on Saturday evening, April 12.

With my best wishes,

Rabbi Schadick



Temple Beth Shalom

Physical Address:

227 Beal Parkway NW
at Nature's Trail Court NW
Fort Walton Beach, Fl 32548

Mailing Address: 

PO BOX 111
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

 OFFICE: (850)-862-6086

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